08 March 2011

28 December 2010


最喜欢吃妈咪煮的椰浆饭。脆脆的江鱼仔,炒香的花生,水煮蛋,新鲜黄瓜,特制美味sambal 加上我爱吃的午餐肉...一个字 --- 赞!


椰浆饭的配料...有时妈咪还会加上 Rendang鸡, 凤尾咸鱼和 Coleslaw....

22 December 2010







29 November 2010






09 December 2009






18 November 2009

Today's Devotion - November 18

Kaitlyn is thanking God for her food. She's also praying for some people. Who are some people you pray for? Do you pray for your grandpa or grandma? Do you pray for your friends? Those are all special people to pray for. But God also wants you to pray for your leaders, because they make important decisions. The next time you pray, ask God to help your leaders make the right decisions.

My Bible Verse:

You should pray for kings and for all who have authority. 1 Timothy 2:2

My Prayer:
I'll pray for my leaders day and night, I'll ask you to help them do what is right.

Today's Devotion - November 17

Kaitlyn is thirsty and wants some milk to drink. Her refrigerator has lots of good food in it. Does your refrigerator have good food in it? How about your closet - do you have some clothes in it? The Bible says if we have food and clothes, we have what we need. And we should be happy. If you have what you need, remember to say thank you to God.

My Bible Verse:
If we have food and clothing, we will be happy with that. 1 Timothy 6:8

My Prayer:
Lord, since you give me clothes and food, I know I should be in a happy mood.

16 November 2009

Today's Devotion - November 16

Kaitlyn is teaching Jack and Zoë how to count. Do you know how to count? It's important to learn how to count. But it's also important to learn how to treat others God wants us to do good things for others. He wants us to be fair. We shouldn't be nice to one person and mean to another. The next time you practice counting, count the number of friends you have. Then try to be kind to all of them.

My Bible Verse:
Learn to do good. Be fair to other people. Isaiah 1:17

My Prayer:
Help me, Lord, to be kind and fair To all of my friends as we play and share.

14 November 2009

My Great Mother

My Great Mother

She is the first to wake up every morning,

With a smile as bright as sunshine,
With a loving heart and friendly soul;
She is the last to go to bed,
With a promise of a wonderful day ahead;
She is my true Friend
The only true one;

She consoles me when I am hurt,
Helps me through hard times, Celebrates my victories however small they may be;
She loves me in a big way,

Too big to say in words,
I owe her a lot;

There is no mother that is better than my mother----a great mother.

11 November 2009

Who Am I ?

I am a child of God with a spirit lineage to heavenly parents. That parentage defines our eternal potential. That powerful idea is a potent antidepressant. It can strengthen each of us to make righteous choices and to seek the best that is within us.
"When we understand our relationship to God, we also understand our relationship to one another. All men and women on this earth are the offspring of God, spirit brothers and sisters. What a powerful idea! No wonder God's Only Begotten Son commanded us to love one another. If only we could do so! What a different world it would be if brotherly and sisterly love and unselfish assistance could transcend all boundaries of nation, creed, and color. Such love would not erase all differences of opinion and action, but it would encourage each of us to focus our opposition on actions rather than actors.
"The eternal truth that our Heavenly Father loves all his children is an immensely powerful idea. It is especially powerful when children can visualize it through the love and sacrifice of their earthly parents. Love is the most powerful force in the world."

21 May 2009

让爱走动 Let Love Flow..

11 September 2008

第一次做月饼 My First Handmade Mooncake


07 August 2008

Flying Roti Canai

Roti Canai

02 August 2008



01 August 2008

我的8岁生日 My 8th Birthday

16 April 2008

我没参加超级补习班了 I've stopped my tuition class

四月份起,妈妈停了我在超级的所有补习课,她要亲自教导我。所以,我现在是妈咪补习班的唯一学生,很幸福是吧!好多人要求妈咪教他们的孩子,妈咪都一一回绝,她说她不只是教自己的宝贝,更是我们母子的Quality Time !

20 February 2008
